Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Seasonal Top 5

TOP 5:
Christmas Songs That Really Aren't All That Christmasy
In fact, none of the listed songs even mention the holiday.
5. Winter Wonderland
4. Let It Snow
These two songs are simply odes to the joys of foul weather, actually more appropriate for the middle of January.
3. Frosty the Snowman
Y'know, I think that a snowman suddenly coming to life and starting to dance around would actually scare the holy living crap out of most small children, and what's so Christmasy about that?
2. My Favortite Things
Unlike the other songs on this list, this one isn't even about winter.
1. Jingle Bells
This may seem like the quintessential Christmas song, or as Lucy says in A Charlie Brown Christmas, "I mean 'Jingle Bells.' You know, Santa Claus and HO! HO! HO! and mistletoe and presents to pretty girls." However, the truth is that this ditty about the supposed fun of freezing your tuchus while galavanting about the wilderness in an "open sleigh" references precisely none of those things, or anything else even remotely specific to the Christmas holiday.

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