Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"Reality" Re-Cap: More Last Comic Standing

So, last night on Last Comic Standing they sent not five, but seven, comics to the finals. Host Anthony Clarke called that a "twist." Heh. That's no twist. If you want to see twists, watch Big Brother. The producers of that show could teach you a thing or two about screwing with peoples' lives for entertainment value.
Remember BB4, in which many of the houseguests were thrown together in the house with an ex- girl/boyfriend? Then there was BB5, in which not only were a pair of identical twins fooling everyone in the house into believing they were one person but the producers found a brother and sister who had not only never met but didn't even know each other existed and let them figure out that fact for themselves.
Yeah, LCS apparently has a thing or two to learn about "twists."
Before I criticize the choices for the last seven finalists, let me say that I know the "celebrity talent scouts" have a difficult job, and the chance of their choices pleasing everyone is absolutely nil. At least in the case of a show like American Idol, just about everyone agrees on what good singing is, but what's funny is an extremely personal thing to each individual. That said, I actually have very little problem with the comics who made the cut...except for one.
Stella Stolper was crude and unfunny and, worst of all, unoriginal. Her act has been done before, and much better, by female comics from Joan Rivers to Roseanne. Thankfully, the decision to pick two additional finalists meant that the inclusion of Stella did not mean that Kristen Key was denied the shot at the LCS title that she richly deserves. If there's one comic who should've made the finals who did not, though, it's the little lisping fireball, Nikki Payne.
Well, that's all about LCS for this week....we'll see if there's anything worth writing about after the next episode.

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