Monday, August 13, 2007

GOP Has New "Frontrunner"

Even though he laughed off the idea when it was suggested by Chris Wallace (or maybe he was just laughing at Wallace, who is utterly ridiculous) on Fox News Sunday yesterday morning, former Massachussetts governor Mitt Romney, after coming out on top in the first actual, if totally meaningless, vote of the 2008 Presidential election season, the Iowa Non-binding Straw Poll on Saturday, could arguably be considered the current frontrunner for the Republican party's Presidential nomination.
This, to me, is very good news. Nominating Romney is one of the best things the GOP could do...for Democrats. Lots of movement conservatives and Christian right types have serious qualms about Rom's positions, or former position, he claims, on gay rights and abortion, as well as the fact that he's a Mormon. (Perhaps they're wondering if he'd bring a Second and Third or even Fourth Lady to the White House) Romney's nomination would probably cause more of these people to just stay home next November than even Guiliani's could. Hell, I'd bet even the obnoxious and disliked Hillary Clinton could win against the Rominator.

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