Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fox Goes After YouTube Usurper

20th Century Fox demands YouTube expose user from

YouTube has said it received a subpoena from Twentieth Century Fox demanding it reveal who posted unaired episodes of "24" and "The Simpsons" on the video-sharing website.


You may remember, if you read the Word on Friday night, that I had posted some American Idol vid from YouTube. I deleted the post on Saturday after I tried to play the videos featuring Sean Michel and was told that they were "no longer available. Checking into YouTube, I found that all the Idol clips from that user had been removed, as well as those of another YouTuber who I'd been using as a source for Idol clips. This leaves me wondering, therefore, if this is related to the YouTube/Fox flap described in the article above, and if so, how long until the other Idol clips I've thrown up on the site become unavailable.
Fox, of course, has every right to demand that copyrighted material be taken down off of YouTube or any other video sight. I guess you might just have to depend on my descriptive powers after all.

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